Category Archives: Digital Marketing

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Leveraging customer reviews to improve dealership reputation

The complete guide to dealership online reviews 

In today’s digital age, customer reviews are more influential than ever. Potential customers often rely on online reviews to make purchasing decisions, and dealerships are no exception. By effectively managing and leveraging customer reviews to improve dealership reputation, dealerships can draw in more customers. Check out this complete guide to dealership online reviews by DealerFire. 

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a phone in a phone holder in a car

The importance of a mobile site for dealerships

How to make the most of your mobile dealership website 

In today’s digital age, car shoppers are a mobile bunch. They’re researching vehicles, comparing features, and even pre-approving financing, all from the palm of their hand. If your dealership’s website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, you’re missing out on a massive opportunity to convert potential customers into satisfied buyers. Keep reading with DealerFire to learn the importance of a mobile site for dealerships and how to make the most of your mobile dealership website. 

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a phone with a map on it in a car

What dealership website provider offers geo-fencing and targeting?

DealerFire marketing targets new customers in your area 

Have you ever wished your dealership website could speak directly to people in your area who are ready to buy a car? Imagine showing special offers and highlighting the perfect vehicle to someone browsing your site from a competitor’s showroom or enticing nearby residents with irresistible deals. Well, stop dreaming and start targeting with geo-fencing. What dealership website provider offers geo-fencing and targeting? DealerFire marketing targets new customers in your area with the latest industry technology. 

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two people looking into a car window

The benefits of a blog for a community-involved dealership

Why should my dealership use online marketing? 

In today’s car buying landscape, it’s not enough to just sell vehicles. Customers are looking for a dealership that aligns with their values and a place that’s invested in the community they call home. Here at DealerFire, we’re passionate about enhancing dealership brands. But how do we spread the word about their commitment and get the community involved? Enter the blog, a powerful tool that can supercharge your dealership’s community engagement. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of a blog for a community-involved dealership and why your dealership should use online marketing. 

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man and woman holding a phone and looking at it together

What does it mean for a dealership website to be fully responsive?

Fully responsive dealership websites for all devices 

As potential customers increasingly turn to the internet to research and purchase vehicles, having a dynamic and user-friendly website is no longer just an option; it’s a necessity. One crucial aspect of a modern dealership website is its responsiveness. But what does it mean for a dealership website to be fully responsive, and why does it matter? 

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2023 Kia Niro EV charging port with a cord plugged in

How dealerships can get ahead of the curve with online marketing for EVs

As states start to ban gas-powered vehicles, dealerships turn to EVs 

In an era marked by significant shifts in the automotive landscape, dealerships find themselves at a crucial juncture. The recent announcement by the Murphy administration in New Jersey, banning the sale of new gasoline-powered cars by 2035, underscores the accelerating transition towards electric vehicles (EVs). This transformative change in the transportation sector presents challenges and opportunities for dealerships. To stay ahead of the curve, dealerships can embrace online marketing strategies. 

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Two green electric vehicle chargers in public

The importance of highlighting EV inventory on your website

Why more drivers are adopting electric vehicles  

In the fast-paced world of automotive technology, the shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) is gaining momentum. While many states embrace clean energy, three states stand out for their innovative approach to accelerating EV adoption—Colorado, Vermont, and California. Let’s explore how these states drive change by implementing scrappage programs that encourage the transition from gas-guzzlers to environmentally friendly electric vehicles. With programs like these, more drivers are adopting electric vehicles, making it more important than ever to highlight EV inventory on your website. 

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