two hands holding onto jail bars in the dark

Does Your SEO Strategy Belong Behind Bars?

Automotive SEO on Trial

It’s there on your bill, maybe in fine print. “SEO services”. The exact label may vary, but the reality is the same: money leaves the bank, and “something” happens on the site that’s supposed to help you get more traffic and leads.

But what are you actually getting – results or swindled?

At DealerFire, we recognize the importance of attribution. If one area of marketing is doing well and another could use some help, it’s important to call that out. Even if your SEO strategy is top-notch, we want to give you the tools to prove it. SEO often seems amorphous and in a data-driven industry, it’s important that you have tangible reporting.

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Honey, I Shrunk the Marketing Strategy: How Micro-Moment Marketing Provides a Macro Return on Investment

Let’s time travel. The year is 2003. Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings film adaptations have closed out with the future-Academy-Award winning Return of the King, the Human Genome Project has recently wrapped up after over a decade and the world wide web is accessed with the help of a yellow running man icon and the shrill sounds of a dial-up modem.

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a man in a car holding car keys

From Keyword to Keychain: The ROI Cycle of SEO

The ROI Payoff of a Consistent Content Strategy

Who Reads this Stuff?

“Nobody reads blogs these days!”

It’s a common sentiment we hear from dealers – and perhaps one you agree with as well.  After all, it makes sense when we consider how blogs have commonly been used.

But a good blog is built around a proactive strategy – targeting high-traffic terms focused around automotive shoppers. The goal is to take customers from the search bar to the showroom, even though it’s often not instantaneous. People on your site may not be looking for your blog, but your blog can be a critical entry point for new prospective customers. 

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Have a Happy Holiday Season With the Right Digital Strategy for Your Dealership

Is Your Dealership’s Digital Marketing Strategy Taking Advantage of Holiday Seasons? 

Even if the start of a new year isn’t particularly important to you, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are still pretty good excuses to throw a party, have some fun, and relieve some stress. In the automotive world, holiday seasons throughout the year are also a good excuse to give your customers a little something special through holiday sales events. 

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Is You Car Dealership SEO Strategy Working?

How to Know If You Are Getting Something for Your Dealership SEO Investment

It may be obvious that investing in SEO is a necessity for your dealership. You may know you need an optimized website suited for mobile, and you may know that it should be supplemented with digital ads and additional content creation to enhance digital visibility. But, do you know if you’re actually getting something for your SEO investment?

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Creating Dealership Website Content for 2020 and Beyond 

“Content is king.” That’s one of those common SEO buzzwords used so often that it makes content marketers cringe when hearing it. That said, as clichéd as the phrase may be, it’s just as true today as it was when Bill Gates first coined the term in 1996.

But creating content isn’t the same as it was in 1996. It’s not even the same as it was 5 years ago. SEO is always changing, and your dealership’s customer base is changing along with it. So, in an ever-changing digital world, what should content look like and how do you create it? And we’re not just talking about what content marketing and SEO should look like in 2019, but also what it should look like in 2020 and beyond.

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Elevating Your Dealership’s Local SEO with Content Marketing

Search for “cars” on Google, and at the top of the results page, you’ll find a map that shows as many as three car dealerships within a few-mile radius. Conduct the same exact search from the other side of town, and you’ll find that the three listed dealerships are completely different.

The whole purpose of Google is to address searchers’ queries as quickly and efficiently as possible, and on the local level, the algorithm factors the searcher’s location into the results. In addition to showing businesses that are nearby, Google also wants to make sure that searchers have a positive experience at those businesses, so the search engine is selective when it comes to their results.

To determine the best businesses to list, Google looks at over 200 ranking signals to ensure that the results are the best that they can be. Many of these signals come directly from the businesses’ websites, but there are also several signals outside the websites that are considered, such as online directory listings, citations, backlinks and customer reviews to name a few.

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