a woman with a laptop leaning on a vehicle

Are dealership inventories on the rise in 2023?

The impact of vehicle shortages post-Covid and the benefits of online inventories 

Many buyers have struggled to find a vehicle during the inventory shortages post-Covid, putting strain on automotive dealerships, which have dealt with low sales, upset customers, and frustrating delays. Below, we’ll discuss whether dealership inventories are on the rise in 2023, what the long-lasting impact of vehicle shortages has done to the industry, and the benefits of online inventories for dealerships and customers. 

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The Importance of Customer-centricity: A Conversation

Atul Vohra and Thilo Koslowski

One of the concepts the COVID-19 pandemic has made increasingly apparent is the need for the automotive industry to innovate and transform the customer experience. Today’s consumers increasingly expect to be met wherever they are in the buying cycle with a highly customized and seamless experience – both online and offline. This type of customer-centricity in the automotive space is often as challenging to implement as it is rewarding.

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What to Expect From Your Car Dealership’s SEO Efforts and Investment

How to Know If You Are Getting Something for Your Dealership SEO Investment 

It may be evident that investing in SEO is a necessity for your dealership. You may know you need an optimized website suited for mobile, and you may know that it should be supplemented with digital ads and additional content creation to enhance digital visibility. But do you know if you’re actually getting something for your SEO investment? 

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What Can Google My Business Do for Car Dealers?

How Can DealerFire Help Dealerships with Google My Business?

You’re just about ready to run out for an errand when you realize you aren’t even sure if the place you need to visit is open. You pull out your phone and Google the name of the establishment, and right on the search engine results page you are greeted with the name of the business, the customer rating, the hours, a click-to-call option, and more. You didn’t even have to go to their website to find this info; it was all right there for you in the blink of an eye. This is Google My Business, and it’s a vital component to the online presence of businesses and their SEO. So, what can Google My Business do for car dealers, and how can DealerFire help? Let’s go over why it’s important and how DealerFire can work with you to make your listing shine. 

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Data Showing Positive Signs for Automotive during COVID-19

Automotive is driving out of the tunnel and starting to see the light.  

While vehicle sales are still significantly down overall for April to this point, the industry is seeing some positive points of light as sales are trending up from a dismal end of March. And while many consumers may not be all the way to purchase level yet, their online activity appears to be adjusting to the new normal. 

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COVID-19 and Automotive – What We Know, What’s Working and What’s Next

COVID-19 is quickly spreading through the country. As this happens, businesses deemed non-essential are shutting their doors to comply with state and national guidelines. This includes car dealerships.

Last week, we shared what dealers should be doing during the pandemic to keep business as normalized as possible. Now, we have more information on what’s happening, what’s working, and what’s to come.

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a black background with the text overlay What should car dealerships do during the coronavirus pandemic?

What Should Car Dealerships Do During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

The Coronavirus Pandemic is here for the near future.  

That’s the reality.  

How quickly your dealership adapts will determine who is able to get through this stretch largely intact and who isn’t.  

Not to sound like a financial advisor, but the biggest thing to keep in mind is to not overreact to the situation. Yes, it’s serious. But people still need cars, whether they buy them now or when things get normalized in a few months.  

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a tax return document with the words DealerFire SEO GO

Sell More Cars This Tax Return Season With the Right Sales and Marketing Strategies at Your Dealership

Taking Advantage of Tax Return Season With Car Sales and Service Offers 

April 15. That date instantly sparks dread in the minds of many Americans, whether it’s fear over owing the government tax money or the general anxiety everyone feels when having to go through the confusing tax filing process. For car dealerships, however, that date shouldn’t cause anxiety. It should create a feeling of opportunity. 

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a scared man holding a black laptop

I’ve Been Audited! Now What?

“Audit” is a scary word. It conjures images of legal action. It facilitates urgency. Usually, feelings of anger and fear follow. The consequences tend to be severe.

Thankfully, when it comes to dealer sites, audits aren’t as scary as they sound. While being compliant is important, most audits focus on subjective items instead and there’s no real penalty in most cases (other than perhaps a score from the OEM).

But inevitably the audits will come, especially if you’re at a Toyota store. Let’s unpack these audits a bit and review some items you should look out for.

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